Saturday, April 25, 2015

Positive By Jay Asher #2

Since the last time I wrote about the book Positive many new events happened with Paige and her life. In the book Positive it explained that when Paige was little about 6 years old she found a magazine that said there was a little girl pageant coming up. When Paige saw that she was so excited because she wanted to be the one to win in that pageant and she knew when she asked her mother to join that she would say yes. Paige is an only child so her mother is used to saying yes to pretty much anything Paige asked for. At first when she asked her mother to join the pageant but her mother wasn't too sure about it. She felt that the judges wouldn't want a little girl with HIV to participate in the pageant. Paige didn't know about her HIV quite yet because she was still too young to understand. But, she kept begging her mom to let her join and she promised her she would be the best to win. In the text it said that Paige meant many people while being the pageant, and she didn't let anyone or anything bring her down. This girl that was much older than Paige named Heather told her to always be herself. So she took her advice and gave it her best to win and she never let anything make her think she wasn't good enough. Paige ended up winning second place in the pageant along with another friend she made named Annie Edge. In the book it said that after Paige won second place she went back the next year and won in first place. It stated that after she won she said "But in those early pageant days, when the world seemed to be opening up all around me, all I understood was that confidence was everything. And I had that in spades. I could make anything happen. Anything at all." After that Paige kept going on with winning pageants but she as she grew up her way of seeing things changed. You have to read the book Positive to find out why she thoughts changed.

When I first read what Paige said in the story "But in those early pageant days, when the world seemed to be opening up all around me, all I understood was that confidence was everything. And I had that in spades. I could make anything happen. Anything at all." This made me think about everything that I went through when I was her age. Transferring schools, moving towns, losing touch with friends and all those type of things it made me think. My cousin that is a couple years older than me always told me to be myself no matter what and she would always tell me and still does, to always have confidence when doing anything. When I read that part in the story it made me think about how I was a little bit like Paige. She never let anything bring her down and she was always a happy child while being in the pageant. As a child myself I would always try to have a smile on my face even when I was a little upset about something. I always have tried to keep going even when some things get tough. As I am reading the book I keep feeling like I could relate to Paige in many ways. As the story goes a long I will keep reading to see if I have any other connections to her and her life.

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