Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Dairy of Anne Frank

The Diary of Anne Frank is about a girl that writes about her life story while being in the Holocaust. Anne Frank wrote in her diary everyday for two years while she was hiding with her family, since she was a Jew. The diary begins with Anne writing about how it was her birthday and for her present her parents got her her diary. Write now I am reading about how Anne is finally getting used to the fact that she has to live in a secret attic hidden behind a bookshelf. At first she was very uncomfortable because of the lack of space there was in the attic. She would explain that everywhere she went she would bump into her family, because it was her, her mother and father and her older sister. She was also very upset that they had to move because one she could not bring her cat and since Anne is 12 she likes to play around and in the attic everyone had to be quiet because if they were people would her them, and the Germans would be able to find them easier. A couple months later it got worse for Anne because another family had to move in because her father said that there was room for more people. The good thing that came from the family was that there was a boy Anne's age, and she knew him because their dads were already friends. In the beginning they ignored each other because Anne felt like it was unfair of him to bring his cat and she felt like he was taking more of her privacy. But then as she started getting into more conflicts with her mom she found a hiding spot at the very top of the attic. Petter, the boy found her and Anne started talking about how she feels that no one understands her and she feels so alone. In her diary she talks about how she just wants to be a real girl/child, she wants to be free and she wants the Holocaust to end. I will keep reading the Diary of Anne Frank to find out how her story ends. If you want to know more about what happens to Anne and her family then read the Diary of Anne Frank.

In the book the Diary of Anne Frank, she is always asking herself when is the Holocaust going to end? Or sometimes she ask who will put an end to it and when will she be able to go back to how things used to be? These kind of questions make me wonder about what she thinks will happen if the Holocaust stopped. I wonder if her Diary would have ever been noticed even if the Holocaust stopped. I feel like the Holocaust helped many people realize that they shouldn't stay quiet when bad things happen. I wonder what kind of life she would have had if the Holocaust did not last as long as it did or as long as she described it to be. I think that the story will just go on and Anne Frank is going to keep telling her story about what happens while she is in the attic. There are some parts in the diary where she explains that she sees or hears some other Jews or people being captured or sent somewhere else. I wonder if she has any friends that were Jews and if she knows anything about what happened to them. I think Anne Frank is just going to keep telling her story until she gets captured because as some people already know Anne Frank's father was the only one that survived. If you want to learn more read the Diary of Anne Frank herself to find out.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Holocaust

I believe that many people just stood by and watched the Holocaust take place because they were scared if they stood up and said something to try and help Jews or anyone else being affected by the holocaust, they would be the ones that would either get killed or also hurt. I think what inspired others to stand up and or even resist the Nazis was that they saw so many people and some of them being friends, being hurt or even killed when the Holocaust was happening. I think that those people who stood up just wanted to change the way things were going. I think that those people were tired of being scared and not being able to do anything. I learned that the people who stood up didn't just sometimes just killed, but some also lost their family members because of it. Many people that were upstanders didn't think much before they said something and tired to stop the Holocaust. The reason I say this is because if they did think too much about what they were going to do they might have just thought about themselves and stayed out of it. But the great part about them not thinking about themselves is by not being selfish they were able to get out their and try to stop what was going on. Of course some people did not get far on their protest because they were killed or something happened that they had to stop trying, but the ones that did get far in what they wanted to do to change the way things were helped save so many wonderful lives.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Perks of being a Wallflower by : Stephen Chbosky

The Perks of being a Wallflower is all written from a boy named Charlie, and his perspective of his own life. The book is about Charlie telling his own life story about how right now he just started high school and he just lost his best friend who committed suicide. Charlie is now starting a new life with new friends and many problems that come with having those friends. Charlie is one of those kids that doesn't really have much friends but then theres this senior in his shop class named Patrick but its a freshmen shop class which makes it funny because of the fact that Patrick is a senior. The first day of shop class Patrick thought it would be funny to make fun of the shop class teacher but then he walked in and asked for Patrick's name, told him that he could either call him Patrick or nothing. After that day Patrick was known as nothing for a while. A couple days later there was a football game and Charlie found nothing sitting with a girl, her name was Sam. Nothing recognized Charlie from shop class so he told him to sit down with him and Sam, and that day was when their friendship started. Right now I am reading about how Charlie has a crush on Sam but Sam had already told him that she is in a relationship and that Charlie is too young for her. Christmas just passed and Sam and Patrick had a party at there house, Patrick and Sam are brother and sister, and each year Sam and Nothing's friends have a party the last day before there winter/ christmas break. Charlie is starting to enjoy hanging around his new friends, but theres a little situation because Patrick is gay and is kind of dating this guy Brad which no one known he is gay and now the word is getting out about how people think is gay. Now, Patrick is having a hard time and Charlie has to be there for him as a friend even though he has his own problems at home. Read "The Perks of being a Wallflower" to find out whats been going with Charlie and his family. I will keep reading to find out anything else that happens next.

While I was reading my book The Perks of being a Wallflower I noticed that the author, Charlie, keeps mentioning something about his aunt that passed away a couple years ago. Charlie keeps saying that his aunt died because of him. In the book it explains that Charlie's birthday is the same day as christmas, and his aunt Helen was the only person that got him two presents every year. One year his aunt Helen told Charlie that his second present was in another place and she had to go drive and get it for him. Then hours later police showed up at his house and announced to his mother that Helen had passed away in a car accident. Charlie blamed himself for it and still does because he thinks she died getting his present. I think that there is something else behind him being so worried about his aunt Helen, and that its not just that she went to go get his present. I infer that later on in the story it is going to explain what kind of connections he had to his aunt Helen and why he has been blaming himself for her death for that passed few years.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Final Blog On "Where She Went" By Gayle Forman

Last week I left off at the part where what I think could happen after Adam goes to see Mia perform live at New York. While Adam is watching Mia, so many memories flash back in his mind from three years ago. He thought about when they were together, happy, and he remembered their first date it was also the first time he had kissed her. When the concert started he thought about seeing Mia after the concert but he thought that there wasn't a really good chance of seeing her because he thought she was going to leave right after her concert. Little did he know that once he tired to see her Mia wanted to see him too. After the they found each other, they went for an all night tour of New York. Mia and Adam walked around all night remembering all the things they went through together three years ago. After they got together they go through so much deciding weather or not they should and want to be together again. Right now I am at the part where secretes begin to come out that happened three years ago too, in the book "If I Stay." While Mia and Adam are together, Adam finds out Mia knows his secrete about what he promised Mia if she would stay and live. I feel like things are going to take a twist if Mia tells Adam that she heard everything going on around her while she was in the hospital. Of course once Mia starts showing that she does know what Adam did/said it is obvious to Adam that she knows something. I'm still reading and thinking about what could happen next if Adam just admits what he said/did. I can't wait to find out if these two end up together, so read to find out if Adam and Mia put aside the bad events in the pass and move forward together. Read "Where She Went" By Gayle Forman to find out more, and "Where She Went" is a sequel to "If I Stay", in order to know what Adam said, you have to read both!

It all started when Adam found out Mia had a concert in New York. He was shocked to see her perform again after she left her home to go to college in New York. Adam hadn't seen Mia for three years until when he went to her concert. After her concert he was the only one that stayed behind in his seat. He wanted to wait for Mia to see her one last time. After that they went for a little walk down memory lane. Mia showed him around her new home in New York city and they talked about everything they went through. Then Adam starts thinking about all the girls he's been with for the passed three years since Mia left him. He's been with so many that he can't even remember all of them. Adam then remembers this one girl that he actually thought he had some what feeling for. But the only reason they met was because of Mia introducing them to each other. He starts to feel bad about it but tries to remember what it was like when Mia left. After that Mia and Adam are having a lot of trouble with deciding on weather or not they should be together. Then it finally comes down to the moment of truth around the ending of the book. Secrets start pouring out about what happened during the time at the hospital and the words said then and there. While this happens it is one of the main reasons Mia and Adam decide if they should be together in the end. In order to know what secrets about the passed are discovered you have to read "Where She Went" by Gayle Forman.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Workers Rights

The argument in the article "Fight for fair treatment of Workers Rights : Don't Buy Nikes" is about how the people that work at the factory that makes Nikes are not being treated fairly. The reason I say this is because in the article it talks about how the workers are only being paid $1.25 a day and their being abused by their bosses. With the money the workers get they can only afford about an 8 by 8 apartment and water. The workers should be given way more money than what they get. They can barely afford that apartment and not to mention all the food they might need if they have to support the rest of their family. The workers are being kicked, slapped, and shoes thrown at them if they make a simple mistake. It worse if the boss thinks the mistake they made messes everything up because they force the workers to stand outside in the hot sun. I think that the workers need to be paid so much more for what they do because it isn't fair for them to work their butts off and not get anything from it but a $1/25. If they can barely afford water than what do they do about food? The workers should not be abused for something so simple or even if the bosses feel like hitting them. These workers have rights, no one should be abused or forced to do anything they don't want to do. By making them stand outside in the sun they are being treated like animals. I learned that so many workers everywhere not just at Nike factory but any other factory too, are being treated unfairly. I honestly think that people should change the way workers are being treated at sweatshops like these.

The argument of the poem was that the person writing it felt like a machine instead of a person because of how their life at work is. I have many reasons as to why I think the argument of the poem was that the person felt like a machine. One of them is that in the poem it clearly says "I feel like a machine" but the main thing about that statement is that they were describing what a machine might feel like. When they described those feelings they connected it back to what they felt themselves. Another thing is that the person explains that they have the same thing going on every single day, and nothing changes. The person feels like a machine because machines don't do anything different. Machines are always going to do the same thing but a person should always be able to do something differently everyday. The person feels alone and trapped because he/she doesn't have any more choices in what to do next its the same thing over and over, their like slaves. The poem is very different from the article because in the poem it explains the role of the job and what its like to do the same thing over and over. It explains what a person feels like being treated like a slave, its like their not even a person their like a machine, and in the article it explains what the bosses do to the workers, like disrespect them and treat them unfairly. The way the form of this poem affected my under of it was by describing what it felt like to be a slave and not have choices. I have many choices right now in what to do in my everyday like but when I read this poem I can some what understand what some workers working at sweatshops must feel like in their everyday life. 

Friday, October 31, 2014

Where She Went by Gayle Forman

"Where She Went" is the sequence to "If I Stay" there are however a few differences. If I stay is about Mia telling her part of her story and how she lost her family in a horrible accident and she had to choose weather she should stay and live with her boyfriend or pass away with her family. If you read the book, you would know that Mia decided to Stay but not just because of her boyfriend Adam but because the rest of her family was counting on her getting better. Her best friend told her that if she died she would never forgive her. Mia felt that her parents wanted her to stay and live her life because thats what they always told her to do. Now after years passed Adam and Mia went their separate ways with their lives and their music. The book Where She Went is Adam's perspective, and how he feels about everything thats happening in his life. The beginning of the book talks about how Adam's career  is taking off with his band. Then it goes into a little twist because this news reporter mentions Mia and asks if Adam and her had any kind of relationship about three years ago. As soon as that reporter mention Mia so many memories flashed back to Adam. In the book it explains how Adam felt when he found out his girlfriend was in the hospital. As the book goes along it explains that Mia was playing in a concert in London where Adam was by. He decided to go to Mia's concert but after that he couldn't stop but think about her. A while after Adam and Mia reconnected. Imagine being in love for four years then having it just end and three years later reconnecting with that person. If you can imagine how that feels, well thats how Adam feels. He and Mia both missed each other and their both happy about seeing each other again but its a huge surprise. To understand more of the story "Where She Went" you will have to read the book followed by it called "If I Stay" and if you have then read "Where She Went" to find out if Adam and Mia get back together. 

The genre of my book "Where She Went" I think I would have to say it is realistic fiction for many reasons. Adam, the main character has so many life events in his life that can actually happen in reality. The kind of events that really seem real to me was that he reunited with his ex girlfriend. I see that in reality all the time. So many couples break up and later on they end up finding each other again and fall in love the same way again just Adam and Mia. I will say that some people that see their old girlfriend/boyfriend might not fall in love again like they did but it can happen. In the book it goes back to the story of "If I Stay" and it says that Mia lost her whole family in a car accident and she was the only one to survive. That can and it has happened in people's life, it may not happen exactly like Mia but many kids or teens have lost their families as well as when Mia did. I do really enjoy reading this kind of genre because not only do I know it can actually happen, but it makes me think more about how I would feel if any event like these ever happened in my life. I like to reflect the books I read of realistic fiction back to my life, because it just makes it more interesting to me. Realistic fiction is one of my favorite kind of genres to read, so I have read many other books similar and different to "Where She Went." If you like realistic fiction for the same reasons as me or different reasons too, I'm sure you will enjoy this book as much as I am right now. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

If I Stay Final

The summary

This book is about a girl named Mia that just got into a car accident with her parents while driving to see her grandparents. Then they end up getting into this terrible car accident that killed her parents and her younger brother Teddy. After what I read about Adam, Mia's boyfriend visiting her at the hospital there was a problem once Adam got to the hospital. Since Mia's sprit is out of her body, she can go walk around the hospital until she decides to wake up. When Adam got to the hospital, Mia ran to the door but the nurses didn't let Adam see Mia because they said only family members could go in. After that Adam did everything he could to see his girlfriend, but nothing changed. Except for the fact that Mia kept trying to think about staying more with Adam or just giving up and leaving everyone and going to see her parents and little brother. It was between the love of her life or the love of the people who gave her life. The way I saw these things is good or bad either way, there isn't a win win or loose loose. The reason I say this is because Mia either goes with her parents and is happy there but then she leaves her best friend and boyfriend which makes them live without her. Then the other thing is stay with her boyfriend and best friend and any other family but then lives with the fact that she'll never see her parents again, well at least while the time she's living. If I was in Mia's shoes Im not sure what I would choose, its not just going to effect me but everyone else that I care about too. What would you do in Mia's place? You have to read the book to find out if she stays or if she leaves.

Throughout the book "If I Stay" there are so many conflicts to do with all the characters in many ways. The main conflict Mia faces is man vs. self because she has to decide weather she should stay with her boyfriend or leave (die) with the rest of her family. The reason it is man vs. self is because in the story it is telling us that if she decides to wake up and be with her bestfriend and boyfriend then she thinks she's going to have to live with gulit the rest of her life. Mia feels that if she stays she will feel gultiy because she didn't die like her parents or brother she stayed on earth. She feels that if she stays she will always be thinking about what if she left, how would life be. Then on the other hand if she dose decide to go to another life as some people think, with her parents then the people she loves, lives will change. Adam will not have a girlfriend and Mia feels that if she leaves then Adam will never forgive her for leaving him. Another conflict in the book is man vs. man, the conflict was between Adam and a nurse. What happened was that Adam wanted to go into the room where Mia was at but the nurse did not allow him to go in at first because she said that only family members could go and visit. Then when the nurse told Adam this he start yelling saying that he was family and he had a right to visit his girlfriend. But still the nurse refused to let him in. From these conflicts in the book I would say that the theme of the book "If I Stay" is that love can concur all. The reason I think this is the main theme of the book is because even though Mia just lost her parents and her brother she still thought about staying on earth because of the love she had for her boyfriend. Another reason is that even though Adam is not really family he considered himself Mia's family because of all the love he had for her. Adam would've risked anything just to see Mia one last time. Thats what love is all about, not caring about anyone else but the person you love and that can concur anything you want, just like Adam and Mia.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

"Call of Duty" Reflection

The article "Call of Duty" was about a solider named Jose and his army dog/best friend name Zenit. Zenit is a trained army dog that gets assigned to a solider to help them out on the war field. Jose got Zenit when he joined the army and he was the one that had to train him to find bombs and all sorts of things that were harmful to others. One day Jose and Zenit were on some sort of farm trying to find bombs and Jose had an accident because he stepped on a bomb and he had to get both legs cut off. After his accident he could no longer be in the army. Jose ended up getting Zenit taken away from him because he belonged to the army not Jose. Jose fault long and hard to get his Best friend back. I don't know how I would feel if I got my best friend taken away from me. I think Jose is really brave because he kept fighting to get his dog back even though he knew It was very hard to win. I have a connection to this story not exactly like what happened to Jose but something to do with the fact of loosing your best friend. When I was in the third grade I had a best friend and we always did everything together much like Zenit and Jose but one day I found out that she was moving to California. When she moved we didn't know how to stay in touch, since we didn't  give each other our phone numbers because she was gonna change hers anyways. After that I was really sad because I didn't have anyone to do everything with anymore, I lost my best friend. I was so hurt just like Jose and one day my mom told me she got a call, and it was Anissa's mom. She passed me Anissa and we talked on the phone all night. I finally felt like I got my best friend back after months of feeling alone just like Jose. I don't talk to Anissa anymore but it goes to show that if you don't give on something you care about it ends up happening

Thursday, October 9, 2014

If I Stay by Gayle Forman

I am reading the book, “If I Stay” and so far I have learned that the main character Mia and her family had just gotten into a car accident in the beginning of the book. I am just heading to the middle of the book. In the beginning of the book it was talking about Mia and her brother, Teddy not wanting to go to school and how there was a lot of snow on their lawn. Mia’s mom was watching the news and it said they all schools were closed. So her family decided to go drive around and visit Mia’s grandma. While they were on the rode something terrible happened. It doesn’t tell you in the book but Mia’s dad lost control of the wheel since the snow/ice was slippery. The car flipped over, and killed both of Mia’s parents. Mia is suffering to fight for life and death its only her choice either to stay of to go with her parents. The confusing part is Mia can see everything thats going on around her while still being asleep because somehow she left her body but is still alive. She saw that her brother Teddy is still alive. Right now, I’m at the part in the story where Mia is at the hospital and her boyfriend went to go visit her after he found out the news. Im going to keep reading to find out if Mia decides to stay of go with her parents in another life. 

The point of view in my book “If I stay” is first person. The reason I say this is because the whole story is based on the main character Mia who is fighting for life or death. I know this means it is first person because in the beginning of the story it says that “I can tell dad is happy.” In this sentence it is showing the word I and in other sentences it shows the words “my and me and my ect” this is showing first person. The first person point of view means that the author is writing the book from his/her side. Mia is the author in the book she writing what she feels and what she sees. I am really enjoying my book because I really look up to Mia in this book. I look up to Mia because she just found out her parents are dead and her little brother is barely alive after the accident. She has a choice to stay and keep living or just stop and go with her parents. Mia is thinking about everyone in her life right now, like her boyfriend. She has to make the choice of living or dying and that choice is going to effect everyone in some way.The reason I will keep reading is because I can tell that the character Mia is strong and smart I know she’ll make the choice that is right for everyone in the end either leaving with her parents or staying with everyone else. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars

In the book The Fault In Our Stars there are two main characters. The book first starts off explaining the life of Hazel Grace, she has cancer in her lungs. Hazel has been fighting it since she was in seventh grade. She started to go to a youth group because her mom thought she might be going through depression. It was about the third or second time she went where she met the one and only Augustus Waters. Augustus also had cancer but he had it in his leg and he did beat it. After they meet Hazel and Augustus soon began to get to know each other. The first time they hung out they talked about what kind of books they like. Hazel had said her favorite book and author, which was Peter Van Houten and Gus told her his. They made a switch with their books and Augusts ended up loving Hazel's favorite book as much as she did. After Gus told Hazel he loved the book he also said that he wanted to meet the author in person. So, they planned a trip to Amsterdam where Mr. Van Houten lives himself. Augusts and Hazel go on a magnificent trip full of adventure and love. But throughout the trip theres a bit of a down side because Augusts has to tell Hazel that his cancer is back. The couple goes through so much together both fighting against cancer. You have to read the book to find out if they both win the fight.

Hazel Grace is one main character from "The Fault In Our Stars" and I would describe her in many ways. Hazel is brave and strong, smart, caring and so much more. She has been fighting cancer since she was in seventh grade and still is. She is only seventeen years old and has to carry around this machine that breaths for her. Hazel goes through so much through out the book she has some problems with her lungs during the night. The reason I would call her brave is because when she finds out Augusts has cancer again she feels like the can't help at all. Hazel cares so much about her mom and dad. She feels that if she doesn't fight strong enough that she dies her mom and dad are going to hold it against her. She is just so brave and out going, and full of life. She finished high school got her GED and went to collage. Like I said Hazel is only seventeen years old with her whole life ahead of her. She doesn't let her lung cancer stop her from doing anything.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Lemon Brown Blog

When I read the Lemon Brown story I had many different reactions to the events that happened. In the story a character named Lemon Brown was being chased and hunted by horrible people because they wanted his treasure. I was surprised at this because once they got Lemon Brown they still wondered what his treasure was. The reason this I was surprised at this event was because in the end his treasure was not really worth anything to the men who attacked Lemon Brown. I don't understand how you want something without knowing what it actually is. Through the story Greg did change in many ways. By the end of the story you could tell he saw things in a different point of view. At first he was mad and didn't care about what his dad had to say about his life and education. But then something changed, Lemon Brown told Greg about his son that died in the war. He had just given him a harmonica and little things to represent what he was about so his son would always have a part of him with him. Then a weeks passed when he got a call that his son had died in the war. The army sent back the harmonica and anything else his son had with him. The things that Lemon Brown got back were his treasure. The reason he felt so strong about them is because it was the last thing his son had before he died. He told Greg to always appreciate everything parents do for their children, because they only want to help them and make them succeed.  After Greg heard the story he went home and he thought about how his dad was going to give him a lecture, but the thought of that only made Greg feel good. It made him smile because he thought about everything that his dad does it to only make him a better person.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Catch up on The Fault in Our Stars

September 19, 2014 - Friday 
The "Fault in Our Stars" is about a girl named Hazel Grace who has had cancer since she was in the seventh grade. Her mother thought she was beginning to go through depression, so she sent her to a youth group. There she met Augustus Waters, on that day they soon became friends. After her and Gus met they started to hang out. The first time they hung out Hazel talked about her favorite book. Then she told Gus to read it and he told her to read his favorite book. After Augustus read the book he fell in love with it, but the ending made him go insane. Hazel explained that the author has never written a sequel to the book or any other book at all, the book was also about cancer. Augustus had cancer in his legs so he had to cut part of one his leg off and now he has a mechanic one. In the hospital where Gus and Hazel were taken care of they have this thing where they can make and the hospital makes it come true. So Gus made a wish to go to Amsterdam because thats where the author of Hazel's favorite book lives. Augustus was told that him and Hazel would be leaving in three months. He just told Hazel about it and she loved the idea. I will keep reading to find out if everything turns out soothingly with their trip.