Saturday, September 20, 2014

Catch up on The Fault in Our Stars

September 19, 2014 - Friday 
The "Fault in Our Stars" is about a girl named Hazel Grace who has had cancer since she was in the seventh grade. Her mother thought she was beginning to go through depression, so she sent her to a youth group. There she met Augustus Waters, on that day they soon became friends. After her and Gus met they started to hang out. The first time they hung out Hazel talked about her favorite book. Then she told Gus to read it and he told her to read his favorite book. After Augustus read the book he fell in love with it, but the ending made him go insane. Hazel explained that the author has never written a sequel to the book or any other book at all, the book was also about cancer. Augustus had cancer in his legs so he had to cut part of one his leg off and now he has a mechanic one. In the hospital where Gus and Hazel were taken care of they have this thing where they can make and the hospital makes it come true. So Gus made a wish to go to Amsterdam because thats where the author of Hazel's favorite book lives. Augustus was told that him and Hazel would be leaving in three months. He just told Hazel about it and she loved the idea. I will keep reading to find out if everything turns out soothingly with their trip.