Monday, May 18, 2015

Thirteen Reasons Why #2 - Jay Asher

From what I read after my first blog I have noticed that Hannah says the same thing over and over again and I think there is a reason for it too. In the book it states "some people may say she was over dramatic over the whole thing. It shouldn't be a reason to kill yourself." She explained it herself that she feels thats what people might think when they hear the reason why she did what she did. In almost every tape she explains that it wasn't just a small thing that got her all wound up and made her kill herself. She tires to explain that those events that happened all have a reason for why she did it. Hannah keeps saying that just because it may have seemed so small like a rumor about a kiss turning into something more was just a rumor. But like she said it wasn't. When the rumors kept going around people kept putting labels on Hannah. Thats what ruined her, she didn't want to be the "talk" of the school. She didn't want people to look at her like she was something else and that she did something stupid. Hannah knew what happened but everyone else believed something else. Thats why in her tapes she says don't think it was just a little thing that made her lose it, because it was something much bigger than what everyone thought. Since I kept reading her words over and over I do get the sense and feeling of why she did have a reasonable reason to do what she decided to do.

Later on in the book I infer that the word is probably going to get out. Theres just something about the different people that have received the tapes that makes it seem like one of them in the future that gets the tapes is not going to listen to them fully and is not going to pass the tapes along to the next person. In the book Thirteen Reasons Why it states "If you don't pass the tapes along be ready to receive payback because there were copies made." Hannah said that there was someone watching each and everyone of the people that have received the tapes and if they fail to send the tapes to the next person then the tapes were going to be put out to public for everyone to hear. I feel like the next person that is supposed to get the tapes will not pass the tapes along because they might just think its a joke. I feel like the tapes are going to be public sooner or later. I will finish the book to find out if the tapes end up getting out.

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